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When Things Get Tough

Today I wanted to talk about how to stay on track when things get tough. The longer you stay on your fitness journey the more you will be tested. Life can be an unforgiving Mo Fo sometimes. Now, how we handle those situations when they occur is completely up to

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Simplifying Goals

Meet Mary Lu. Mary Lu wants to lose 20 lbs, tone up her arms, thighs, and midline. She would also like to increase energy levels and get rid of her low back pain. Oftentimes this is how our consultations go. In all reality an individual like Mary Lu hasn’t dialed

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Holiday’s And The “Derailment”

Alright, we have some challenges coming up this weekend and continuing next week. Here’s the deal: a lot of us have done great all year. Improved nutrition habits, been consistent with our training and we’re looking and feeling pretty good. All these new habits and momentum we have built will

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Understanding Weight Training

First off, yes EVERYONE should incorporate some type of weight training into their fitness routine. It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, 10yrs old or 90 years old, if you wanna lose weight, tone up, or gain muscle. Weight training is one of  the quickest ways to achieve motor

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Weight Training For Beginners

There are many different types and goals when it comes to weight training. In this blog I want to specifically talk about “Hypertrophy”.  Hypertrophy is the increase in muscle mass. Which is one of the most common goals we see and get asked about. We see a lot of people

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Master the basics first

There isn’t a magic pill or drink that will help you change your nutrition habits over night. Just like there isn’t anything you can do to lose 10 pounds in one day. It takes time, work and consistency to change habits. I guarantee you that change can happen. And when

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3 Tips For Losing Weight and Improving Health

The Mystery Of Losing Weight We’ve spoken to a lot of people that say “I’ve tried everything” and They still can’t lose weight. Losing weight and improving health is simple but very difficult. Simple because the steps needed to lose weight are easy, Difficult because these same steps require Accountability,

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Why exercise is so crucial as we age

“We squat, so you can get off the toilet when you’re 90” We joke all the time here at Fire+Ice about squatting below parallel. The reason we give everyone is simple, so you can get off the toilet when you’re 90. All jokes aside, we really do mean it. Why

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Our Bodies in a Tech Heavy World + EMF Radiation

         It’s no longer a secret that tech life addiction is a real thing nowadays.  Is it a coincidence that the rise of health issues, such as obesity and depression, coincides with this tech addiction??  Short answer—no.  The truth is, our bodies are designed to move, and our species are

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Pay It Forward

by Marcel | Aug 26, 2020 | Blog Everyone has heard the phrase “Pay It Forward”. When someone shows us kindness, we should show kindness to another person, and hopefully the cycle continues. In this blog I wanna share how we could take that same principle and apply it to

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