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How To Build Strength Without A Gym

With COVID throwing a wrench into everyone’s Strength Training, I wanted to talk a bit on how we could still build strength right from home without the use of any equipment. Strength- Is Quality or state of being physically strong. I know most of you have met someone from “back

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How To Beat COVID

There are so many different opinions on Corona Virus. This tiny little virus is causing complete chaos in the world today. I just wanted to talk a little about my thoughts on it. Maybe some of you won’t agree and maybe it will help some of you sleep a little

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Injuries From Repetitive Movement

Alright let’s take a closer look at injuries caused from repetitive movement. Repetitive movement can be any movement or even static position held for long periods of time, day in and day out. A few examples: Sitting for long periods of time: By far the MOST common cause of aches

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Don’t Forget About Recovery

I wanted to dial in a bit more on the 3 reasons common injuries occur during one’s fitness journey. On this blog I will be talking about “Lack of Recovery”. First I want to specify what type of “Injury” I am referring to. I am talking about the most common

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 Meditation. Turns out, the kooky monkey from the Lion King was right all along, being an enlightened being really does help when fighting off a pack of hyenas.  Or in our world, specifically, our state of health, it helps in warding off stress.  Stress is the door buster in beating

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How to know if a fitness program is right for you

I wanted to follow up on Mondays blog, “Do I need to be in shape to do CrossFit?” So maybe you have decided it’s time to seek out some help. Good for you!!!! The fitness program options are overwhelming. I mean the possibilities are endless. 24 hour fitness, P90X, Zumba,

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Do I need to be in shape to do CrossFit?

We hear this statement all the time. “I want to start CrossFit but I need to get into shape first”.  First off, the same people that think this way, never actually get into shape. Why? They don’t know how. They don’t know where to start. They don’t have a guide.

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Similarities between Addiction and Fitness

The longer I am involved in health and fitness the more I am seeing  the similarity between Addiction and Fitness. I’ve Struggled with drinking early on in my life and fitness is probably a big part of why I made it through it. (Blog for another day though) According to

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$$Invest In Your Health$$

These days a lot of the time, health and fitness is looked at as an “Expense”. I would like to change your mindset to view health and fitness as an Investment. Here are 5 ways being healthy and fit can not only save you money but actually make you money.

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How To Relieve Back Pain

By Coach Songee Barker: Hey you! Yes, you, reading this right now. How is your back feeling? Do you get to the end of a long day and feel a dull throbbing in your lower back? What about at the end of an intense workout, do you feel pain in

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