Journey to Total Health 4.0

“Why the Intensity!?” 

By: Jesi Mandagaran

     Before I go on a passionate rant about the INTENSE EXERCISE topic, it will be worth noting, again, that well over 70% of deaths here in America are due to chronic diseases. And relying on eleventeen different medications to keep you alive isn’t quite thriving and jiving. So, it’s safe to say we have bigger problems than being concerned with how to train our bi’s and tri’s correctly. Body slamming, I know. But here’s the rub, if your exercise doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you, literally and physically—it won’t change you. And if you add that old dusty outdated Nutrition Pyramid to the concoction, well, now you have a double suckfest. I mean, not suckfest, pardon—that was rude. I do mean to say, a cocktail of disappointments with 4oz of Little-to-No-Results, 1.25 oz of Straight Boredom and a dash of Time-Consuming. Did I mention boredom?! The pixie dust? INTENSITY.

     Now, intensity doesn’t have to look like a suffocating face in an enclosed bag while wrestling a gorilla. It’s different for everybody and it depends on the stimulus of the workout of that day. Every need is different depending on current state of fitness, age, etc. But the applied effort of intensity of the individual’s work capacity will be the factor in bettering their fitness. This brings us to the definition of Intensity—doing more work in a short set of time. Basically, Facebooking between your sets of Skull Crushers doesn’t quite count as intense.


     Intensity is the variable in Exercise that heats up your fitness results. It’s what gets that dial moving from the SICK side of the wellness spectrum to the FIT/HEALTHIER side. The intensity zone means removing the fluff, from your workouts. Less rest, more work. Of course that is without compromising your form right? …RIGHT?! So, what does INTENSE EXERCISE look like exactly?

     The intensity should feel uncomfortable but still able to keep the quality of movements. Move with a purpose, not like you’re window-shopping at Tiffany’s. What’s great about this is, you’re doing more work in less time. I mean, 45minutes-1hour in the gym is better than 2 ½ hours. An ideal workout should include;

1) Dynamic Warm-up

2) Movement Preparation 

3) the Workout 

4) Cool-Down

      Side note, Intensity just doesn’t go for volume, adding loads can be a focus too. If you’re moving loads with little to no struggle, then it’s time to add more weight bro. Another side note, High Intensity training burns more calories long after workouts are over. Yummy.

     Bottom line, for Physical Health to improve, the INTENSE EXERCISE is a major component you cannot skip out on. There are 10 Elements of Fitness but here are 3 major ones to prioritize into your regime.

  • Cardiovasclar/Respitory
  • Strength
  • Flexibility

      Why those 3? Well, besides a very real potential Apocalypse, we need to keep that Old Folk’s Party Home away as long as we can. Strength is great for keeping bones healthy and strong, flexibility is great for injury prevention and range of motion, and the cardiovascular system keeps your heart happy and your lungs strong. Wreaking havoc with your kids and grandkids is the long game here. And if that’s not enough motivation, then I should tell you… word on the street is the ice cream in an Old Folk’s home tastes like Lilac Perfume from the 99cent Store. Invest in your fitness. Invest in your health.

Be not afraid of the Intensity Wonderland friends. Go there. Seek dragons and slay them. Slay. Them. All.

Much Luv– Coach Jesi      


YouTube Clip (2min):
Intensity Gets Results

“No Intensity, No Results” by Andrea Maria Cecil

“Intensity & Its Role in Fitness” by Pat Sherwood

The CrossFit Pyramid Explained 


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